Why should you consider a SunnyArts President role?

In 2021, our community made a thoughtful decision to limit the tenure of the SunnyArts leader role to two years. This change was implemented with the intention of preventing burnout and fostering greater community involvement.

Now, we’re calling upon all our residents to step up, volunteer, or take on a leadership role within our neighborhood. This presents a unique and exciting opportunity for you to develop and refine your leadership abilities, forge stronger connections with your neighbors, and bring your vision for an improved community to fruition.

As a SunnyArts leader, you won’t be confined to a rigid set of responsibilities. Beyond overseeing key events like Halloween and National Night Out, you’ll have the creative freedom to allocate our community resources, funds, and energies where you see fit. Whether your passion lies in organizing social gatherings such as the summer potluck block parties with live music, or championing eco-friendly initiatives such as recycling, gardening, native plant cultivation, tree planting, or water conservation, the choice is yours.

If you’re considering taking on this role, don’t hesitate to reach out to our past leaders. They can provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding of what it entails.

Please note since the city awards grants that are reimbursed based on actual community spend,  without a leader to facilitate neighborhood activities/ events, submit grant applications and receipts, all neighborhood association activities will cease.

Feb 7, 2021

We had 93 people respond to the poll! This overwhelming response from the neighborhood really underscores the community feeling 🙂

Here are the big picture results:
  • 93 people filled out the poll.
  • 89% want it to be term limited.
  • 69% want the term to be 2 years.
  • As per comments by some neighbors, at the end of the two year term, if no one is interested, and the officers want to continue, they should be allowed.