SunnyArts Volunteers
SunnyArts Neighborhood is an entirely volunteer led effort, with all neighbors contributing their time, effort, space or power for events and even material things, out of the goodwill of their hearts- and we need all of you to actively participate to keep these events going! Please contact us if you would like to join the volunteer committee.
Namrata Patil, President
Uma Sriram
Harita Balaji
Chris Curry
Ruchika Mehta
Niyati Parikh
Falguni Bhuta
Shruti Manchanda
Google Group Manager: Pravin K
PAST PRESIDENTS (since we began tracking):
Namrata S Patil 2023-2025
Nipurna Shah 2021-2023
Sandy Henderson 2017-2021
Jennifer Wong 2014-2017
Amit Srivastava 2007-2011
Cindy Stewart 2005-2007
*The SunnyArts president position is a volunteer position to be held for two years, since the new charter was adopted in 2021.