About Sunnyvale Neighborhoods
Sunnyvale Neighborhoods includes officers from each Sunnyvale Neighborhood Association and meets quarterly. The organization enables neighborhood association leaders to get to know each other and exchange ideas, meet Sunnyvale officials, keep up with the city, and share news about local activities.
Neighborhood associations serve a valuable purpose: they encourage neighborhood residents to meet their neighbors for mutual benefit, enhanced neighborhood pride, and improved neighborhood safety. The City of Sunnyvale maintains a resource page that includes a map of current neighborhood associations. You will also find information about forming a new neighborhood association if you are not already included in existing association. We highly encourage residents to form a new neighborhood association if there isn’t one. It’s easy. And it’s very rewarding.
Sunnyvale Neighborhoods has been around for a long time and was chaired by a representative from the city until mid-2010. At that time, the city left the organization in our care to continue as we pleased. At this point, we are an ad-hoc organization; we are assigned a coordinator from the city; and we are provided with the use of city facilities and city speakers for our meetings.
Ad Hoc Procedures
- Should it become important, allow one vote per neighborhood association on any motions
- Should it become important, a quorum shall be five neighborhood associations